$129.00 USD

Before You Check Out!

Add on TWO 1-1 Sessions directly w/ Rachel + Direct Voxer Access!


ACCOUNTABILITY is the key to change. So, let's dig in, 1-1, to ensure your Personalized Action Plan is clear, concise, and ready to put to use. 


This add on includes:

  • 1-1 Zoom with Rachel to review your work from the workshop and ensure next steps are crystal clear
  • Follow up 1-1 Zoom with Rachel to be used within 2 months to ensure you're on track and being held accountable with your plan 
  • Direct Voxer access to Rachel (text and voice memos) for 1 week following the workshop for questions, to share success, and to dig even further


Add on to your workshop ticket right now for an additional $199 and let's get to work!


How to Rewire Your Brain to Consciously Build Your Aligned Life LIVE Workshop

Building the life of your dreams isn’t about hoping, praying, and waiting for something to change…it's neuroscience. 

We have to first “get our hands in the dirt” and dig up those old, outdated, limiting beliefs that are deep-wired into our brains, subconsciously running the show.
From there, it’s all about rewriting the story, gaining clarity, and, you guessed it, rewiring our brain for this new, aligned, empowered life.

Let's get to work...